The greater the distance you need to move from Denver, the more you’ll like the services of A-1 Freeman Moving Group. Long-distance moving is absolutely one of our skill sets. We’ve been helping clients do it for many years, after all. Much of our assistance has to do with setting people’s minds at ease, certainly the minds of those who are novices in moving from state to state or across the country. Our thoughtful attention to detail, our smart professionalism, and our numerous adaptable, personal moving services truly make a difference – a big one. You’ll recognize that surely enough in how capably we execute …
The Moving Process
We perform every one of the following matters attendant to your move:
FREE Ballpark Pricing
We’ll apprise you generally what it will cost you to move once you’ve talked with us for the first time and we’ve ascertained the kinds of moving services necessary to get you into your new home, however far away it is. Be advised, this ballpark estimate may go up or go down, depending on the services you end up purchasing.
The Home Survey
Our goal – every time – is to meet your needs and work within the context of your schedule. This is the reason we give you two estimating choices. Pick the one you find most useful:
The Written Estimate
Having first met with you, taken the move options you’ve picked into account, and assessed the results of your Home Survey, we provide a written estimate that more accurately sets the price of your long-distance move.
The Customer Agreement
Signing this agreement – your move contract – says you’ve agreed to our terms and pricing. Spelled out in the agreement are …
The Move Plan
Here’s the point at which you’ll be introduced to your personal A-1 Freeman Moving Group Move Concierge. He or she will guide you in planning every aspect of your move. It starts with a confirmation of the dates, addresses, and services you’ve chosen. Then you’ll be alerted regarding what to expect from your move. Have no fear, ask questions! That’s what your Move Concierge is for – to offer answers, keep you up to speed at every stage of the move, and keep that effort going smoothly, speedily, and perfectly.
The Pre-Move Confirmation
As your move date comes up, we contact you by phone or email to confirm it, ensuring that all dates, times, locations, and other pre-arranged details are still in effect. This also serves to reassure you that we’ll be on hand and ready to go when the time finally does arrive.
We provide three ways to help take the headache out of packing. choose the one that best satisfies your needs and budget:
Our loading process is not fussy, organized, safe, and effective:
At your new home we’re just as protective and organized in unloading and placing your possessions.
The Post-Move Follow-up
Following the move, your Move Concierge will call you to make sure everything was completed to your approval. He or she also will address any issues that may linger. Above all, your Move Concierge will, on behalf of each of us at A-1 Freeman Moving Group, THANK YOU for engaging us as your long-distance moving company!